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7 Homeless Adults Engagement in Art First Steps Towards Identity Recovery and Social Inclusion

1 Introduction

The social question concept is determined, in backer societies, by the peculiar relationship between majuscule and labor: exploitation (STEIM, 2000; CASTEL, 2012). Discussions about the social question refer to the necessary understanding of the social cohesion possible within the capitalist structure and what agreement would be collectively reached to effort to avert social fracture (STEIM, 2000; CASTEL, 2012). "Social fracture" is understood as a rupture in club generated by diff access to social appurtenances. It could be minimized past social policies in a capitalist context (STEIM, 2000; CASTEL, 2012). The term social question first appeared in academic literature within the context of changes arising from the Industrial Revolution and changing urban working conditions (STEIM, 2000). Because of its influence on societal evolution, a number of scholars accept attempted to sympathize how structural elements influence daily life past discussing the concept from a sociological perspective, associating work and social integration within a capitalist social club (STEIM, 2000; CASTEL, 2012).

The term backer structure, meanwhile, refers to the economic, social, political, and historical elements that organize society (CASTEL, 2012). It is based on the private cribbing of capital letter and the sale of labor as a commodity, as argued by Karl Marx. The backer structure must include two dimensions to avoid social fracture, according to Castel (2012): the starting time ane is lowering expectations of economic growth with the upshot of poverty reduction, and the second is relying on legislative and political lodge to recognize the social right to appurtenances and services, counterweighing the effects of the economic order, which confined admission to the same (CASTEL, 2012).

In the field of occupational therapy, which is involved with social participation and the everyday lives of certain individuals, groups and collectives, understanding the social question is related to understanding the social life and the possibilities and limitations of occupational therapists' deportment (LOPES; MALFITANO, 2017).

Historically, occupational therapy was frequently aimed at (re)habilitating and (re)adapting individuals to their social surround (FRIEDLAND, 2011) past developing "social adaptation" actions (GALHEIGO, 1997), non necessarily based on people'southward needs, but with the goal of developing their "adaptation" to social life without taking a disquisitional arroyo. However, over time these goals started to be criticized and professionals began to operate nether new ethical and political paradigms (LOPES, 2013; KIRSH, 2015); Lopes and Malfitano (2017), for example, argue that understanding the dimensions of capitalism, citizenship, and social rights are fundamental to practicing occupational therapy (LOPES; MALFITANO, 2017). In other words, occupational therapists need a reading lens to understand lodge and to develop their work. The concepts of the social question (STEIM, 2000; CASTEL, 2012), social fracture (CASTEL, 2012), social rights and citizenship (LOPES; MALFITANO, 2017) are of import to our practices. Today, occupational therapy addresses topics of citizenship, (LOPES; MALFITANO, 2017) the person in their context (Constabulary, 1991), the influence of justice, (WILCOCK; TOWNSEND, 2000) the importance of the political (POLLARD; SAKALLARIOU; KRONENBERG, 2008) in professional action, and specific social location (BARROS; GHIRARDI; LOPES, 2005) using these to theoretically and methodologically accost the social question.

Meanwhile, understandings of the social question have also shifted over time to remain contemporary and relevant to changes in the backer structure. Today, the social question refers to "[…] a primal contradiction on which a society experiences the enigma of its cohesion and tries to conjure the risk of its fracture" (CASTEL, 2012, p. 30). For Castel (2012), we live in a backer structure based on inequalities and organized by work, considering work is what allows people to be part of their social club. However, the new social configuration means that many people are unable to work; these people alive lives of dubiousness and insecurity, and compose a mass of vulnerable people. This can be called the "new social question", which is characterized by structural unemployment (CASTEL, 2012). This new agreement brings with it challenges for professionals from many fields, who must offering technical solutions to deal with the consequences of this social question and the growing number of vulnerable people.

To accomplish this goal, it is necessary to both empathize specific social demands and develop artistic intervention technologies to meet individual situations. It is essential, therefore, that occupational therapy be directed non but toward individuals, only also social groups and other collective bodies.

Lopes and Silva point out that

[…] social occupational therapy actions imply knowledge and monitoring close to the bug that are relevant to the social problem in which ane intends to intervene, from its macro-structural understanding (LOPES; SILVA, 2007, p. 159).

Forth the aforementioned lines, Ramugondo and Kronenberg (2015, p. 8) ascertain collective occupations as

[…] occupations that are engaged in past individuals, groups, communities and/or societies in everyday contexts; these may reflect an intention towards social cohesion or dysfunction, and/or advancement of or aversion to a common good.

The authors understand occupation as always collective and able to influence life in both historical and social ways.

In this commodity, we focus on Brazilian social occupational therapy (BARROS; GHIRARDI; LOPES, 2005). This field conducts theoretical and applied studies in professional practices that are specifically directed toward the social field of activity (LOPES; MALFITANO, 2016), dissociating the practice of occupational therapy from health and affliction.

This written report uses an integrative literature review to respond the question: how accept occupational therapists been addressing topics related to the social question in occupational therapy journals indexed on Web of Science?

2 Method

This report is an integrative literature review, which allows us to synthesize information on all published studies on a given topic and to draw general conclusions. This method likewise allows for an understanding of both older themes and emerging ones (TORRACO, 2005).

This study contained half dozen stages: 1) journal selection; ii) keywords pick; iii) delineation of search menstruum; 4) reading all abstracts and applying the outset filter; 5) reading selected texts in their entirety; and 6) compiling the results, post-obit Torraco's steps (TORRACO, 2005). In the offset stage, the journal selection, nosotros chose journals that defined themselves as occupational therapy publications and had an impact factor recorded in the 2013 Journal Citation Reports (JCR). The JCR is a statistical measurement published by Thompson Reuter and indexed in the Web of Scientific discipline that allows researchers to evaluate and compare scientific publications and their impact on the scientific customs.

Using the criteria described in a higher place, we narrowed down our review to the following journals: American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Australian Occupational Therapy Periodical, British Journal of Occupational Therapy, Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, Hong Kong Periodical of Occupational Therapy, Occupational Therapy International, and Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy.

During the second stage, we selected keyword descriptors. These were chosen based on the authors' prior knowledge as social occupational therapy researchers in Brazil, coupled with terms from international literature and the World Congresses of Occupational Therapy.

Based on the above, we chose 48 descriptive terms. Of these, 33 were present in the articles surveyed; the other 16 did not appear. These 33 terms were: citizenship, customs, community rehabilitation, customs integration, community participation, customs reintegration, cultural competence, culture, disaster, ecological, education, school, homeless, man rights, low-income, migrant/immigrant, occupational justice, occupational rights, power, prisoners, policy/public policy, refugees, social aspects, social competence, social inclusion/social interaction, social justice, social participation/social networks, social stigma, socioeconomic disadvantage, socioeconomic factors, unemployment, violence, and war. (The xvi keywords that we did not find in our search include: child labor, discrimination, illegal work, no formal chore, poverty/indigence, prison/prison house population, prostitution/prostitute, racism/racialism, slave labor, social assistance, social goods, social perspective, solidarity, territory, trafficking in person, and vulnerability).

During the third phase, we decided to cover the menses from 2000 to 2014. This timespan was called because of the period of expanding literature on social occupational therapy in Brazil (BARROS; GHIRARDI; LOPES, 1999; BARROS; GHIRARDI; LOPES, 2002), and the growing discussion about occupational justice in Anglophone literature. We would like to find the literature about this topic during this period based on these factors. Each of these approaches represents different ways to address the social question; the starting time focuses on social activeness, and the 2nd on justice.

Table one shows the distribution of the articles, according to the journal, the articles' year of publication and percentage relative to them. The acronym of magazines: American Periodical of Occupational Therapy (AJOT), Australian Occupational Therapy Periodical (AOTJ), Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy (SJOT), British Journal of Occupational Therapy (BJOT), Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy (CJOT), Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy (HKJOT), Occupational Therapy International (OTI).

Table 1 Number of articles/journal/publication year.

Periodical Acronym Year (xx..) Articles/ Periodical %
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 xi 12 13 14
AJOT 3 iii 3 2 iv 4 three 2 nine 3 6 v two two 51 27.41
AOTJ 2 one 1 i 1 two 2 2 3 3 5 9 5 1 8 46 24.73
SJOT 1 2 1 4 i v 3 5 five ii 29 15.60
BJOT i four 7 three 4 4 23 12.37
CJOT one 1 3 2 i 2 i 1 i iii 3 19 10.21
HKJOT 1 1 2 1 2 ane 1 9 4.84
OTI 3 ii 2 1 i 9 4.84
Total/ Year 4 5 10 vii 11 9 nine 15 16 21 sixteen 21 11 sixteen fifteen 186 100

In the fourth stage, we read the abstracts of the 186 texts brought upwards by our search. This included an overview of the article identification data (title, periodical's name, land, and yr of publication), keywords, objectives, target population, results, discussion, and/or conclusion. Nosotros then applied the following inclusion criteria: articles that named themselves as related to the social question; those that described the socioeconomic question; articles that referred to the social question either as their theoretical point of view or as the grounding of practise/experience; those that understood the social question as addressing problems apropos the establishment and functioning of society; and manufactures mainly linking the social question to socioeconomic and cultural factors. After applying these criteria, 53 articles remained.

In the fifth stage, nosotros read the full text of those 53 articles. We noted the following: type of publication, predominant population, authors' theoretical concepts, identification of how the text referred to the social question (individual/clinical vs. commonage), any explicit human relationship with the health sector, and implications for the field of occupational therapy (professional person practice, research, and knowledge product).

In the sixth phase, nosotros compiled the results, describing the manufactures. We sought to know what kind of discussion has been proceeded in occupational therapy about the social question, outside of the health organisation.

Applying the results all the stages described in a higher place, we would like to respond the question: how have occupational therapists been addressing topics related to the social question in the indexed English language database? For this, we adult a questionnaire to be filled throughout the reading of each article. The questions were well-nigh the types of articles (research, literature review, case report or theoretical paper); population groups studied in the manufactures; theoretical concepts presented; clinical and individual or customs and/or social aspects of occupational therapy; and the specificity of the discussion in professional practice. These topics were important to approach relevant elements to understand the noesis published by these manufactures.

Later on that, nosotros conducted a critical reflection in a comprehensive approach to the data in order to analyze the occupational therapy literature which address the social question.

3 Results

53 articles were establish after applying all filters, presented in Tabular array 2. These selected articles use 12 of the keywords listed in the study. The highest incidence was of the word homeless (11), followed by social inclusion/social interaction (10). Table 3 shows the distribution of articles co-ordinate to descriptor, journal, and publication year.

Tabular array 2 List of the articles.

Championship: Journal Writer(s) Twelvemonth
The Significant of Computers to a Group of Men Who Are Homeless American Periodical of Occupational Therapy MILLER, 1000. S.; Bunch-HARRISON, S.; BRUMBAUGH, B.; KUTTY, R. Due south.; FITZGERALD, Thou. 2005
The Pregnant of Family Routines in a Homeless Shelter American Journal of Occupational Therapy SCHULTZ-KROHN, W. 2004
The Process and Outcomes of a Multimethod Needs Assessment at a Homeless Shelter American Journal of Occupational Therapy FINLAYSON, K.; BAKER, Yard. 2002
Homeless adults engagement in art: Get-go steps towards identity, recovery and social inclusion Australian Occupational Therapy Journal THOMAS, Y.; Grayness, M.; MCGINTY, Southward.; EBRINGER, S. 2011
Exploring occupation and it meaning among homeless men British Periodical of Occupational Therapy CHARD, G.; FAULKNER, T.; CHUGG, A. 2009
Occupational therapist's perceptions of their role with people who are homeless British Periodical of Occupational Therapy GRANDISSON, K.; MITCHELL-CARVALHO, Thou.; TANG, 5.; KORNER-BITENSKY, Northward. 2009
Leaving homelessness and addiction: Narratives of an occupational transition Scandinavian Periodical of Occupational Therapy HEUCHEMER, B.; JOSEPHSSON, S. 2006
Exploring the occupations of homeless adults living with mental illnesses in Toronto Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy ILLMAN, S. C.; SPENCE, South.; O'CAMPO, P. J.; KIRSH, B. H. 2013
Occupation and the process of transition from homelessness. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy MARSHALL, C. A.; ROSENBERG, M. Due west. 2014
On the border of the possible: considering homelessness. Canadian Periodical of Occupational Therapy TSANG, A.; DAVIS, J. A.; POLATAJKO, H. J. 2013
An occupational therapy service to hotels for homeless people: na orverview British Journal of Occupational Therapy PARMENTER, Five.; FIELHOUSE, J.; BARHAM, R. 2013
Keyword: MIGRANT
The meaning of leisure for well-elderly Italians in an Australian community: Implications for occupational therapy Australian Occupational Therapy Journal MILLER, K. S.; BUNCH-HARRISON, S.; BRUMBAUGH, B.; KUTTY, R. S.; FITZGERALD, K. 2008
New-immigrant women in urban Canada: insights into occupation and sociocultural context Occupational Therapy International MARTINS, 5.; REID, D. 2007
The cultural brokerage work of occupational therapists in providing culturally sensitive care Canadian Periodical of Occupational Therapy LINDSAY, S.; TE´TRAULT, Due south.; DESMARIS, C.; KING, M. A.; PIE´RART, G. 2014
People detained for prolonged periods in clearing detention experienced significant psychological and interpersonal difficulties that make it difficult to rebuild their lives following release from detention Australian Occupational Therapy Journal BENNETT, S.; CAMPBELL, Due east. 2014
Social and occupational justice barriers in the transition from foster care to independent adulthood American Journal of Occupational Therapy PAUL-WARD, A. 2009
Occupational justice and client-centred practice: dialogue in progress Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy TOWNSEND, Due east.; WILCOCK, A. A. 2004
Reflexions on ... Positive aging and its implications for occupational possibilities in later life Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy RUDMAN, D. L. 2006
Occupational Justice - Bridging theory and practise Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy NILSSON, I.; TOWNSEND, E. 2010
Social occupational therapy: conversations about a brazilian feel Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy MALFITANO, A. P. S.; LOPES, R. East.; MAGALHÃES, 50.; TOWNSEND, East. A. 2014
Occupational operation and self-determination: the role of the occupational therapist equally volunteer in two mountain communities Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, BOYLE, M. 2014
Occupational justice - bridging theory and practice Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy NILSSON, I.; TOWNSEND, E. 2014
Refletions on ... Well-being and occupational rights Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy HAMMELL, Chiliad. W. 2008
Reflections on ... Canadian occupational therapists' contributions to prisioners of state of war in Globe War II Canadian Periodical of Occupational Therapy COCKBURN, L. 2005
Development and evaluation of an occupational therapy program for refugee high school students Australian Occupational Therapy Journal COPLEY, J.; TURPIN, M.; GORDON, S.; MCLAREN, C. 2011
Refugee settlement workers' perspectives on home safe issues for people from refugee backgrounds Australian Occupational Therapy Journal CAMPBELL, E. J.; TURPIN, M. J. 2010
Understanding the occupational deprivation of refugees: a case study from Kosovo Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy WHITTEFORD, G. E. 2005
Experiences in occupational therapy with afghan clients in Australia Australian Occupational Therapy Journal MARONEY, P.; POTTER, M.; THACORE, 5. R. 2014
Working with populations from a refugee background: An opportunity to enhance the occupational therapy educational feel. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal SMITH, Y. J.; CORNELLA, E.; WILLIAMS, North. 2014
An occupational perspective on the assessment of social competence in children British Journal of Occupational Therapy LIM, S. M.; RODGER, S. 2008
Diverseness and inclusion within an occupational therapy curriculum Australian Occupational Therapy Journal TRENTHAM, B.; COCKBURN, L.; CAMERON, D.; IWAMA, M.; 2007
An evaluation of the bear upon of a social inclusion programme on occupational functioning for forensic service user British Journal of Occupational Therapy FITZGERALD, Thousand. 2011
Gardening and belonging: reflections on how social and therapeutic horticulture may facilitate health welbeing and inclusion British Journal of Occupational Therapy DIAMANT, E.; WATERHOUSE, A. 2010
ELSiTO. A collaborative european initiative to foster social inclusion with persons experiencing mental illness Occupational Therapy International AMMERAAL, Thou.; KANTARTZIS, South.; BURGER, M.; BOGEAS, T.; VAN DER MOLEN, C.; VERCRUYSSE, L. 2013
Community integration outcomes after traumatic brain injury due to concrete assault. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy KIM, H.; COLANTONIO, A.; DAWSON, D. R.; BAYLEY, M. T. 2013
The benefits of knitting for personal and social wellbeing in machismo: findings from na international survey British Journal of Occupational Therapy RILEY, J.; CONKHILL, B.; MORRIS, C. 2013
Meta-synthesis of qualitative studies ended that the social environs was the virtually influential environmental cistron to impact participation of youths with disabilities Australian Occupational Therapy Journal WALLEN, Grand.; IMMS, C. 2014
Unserstanding social inclusion as an international discourse: implications for enabling participation British Journal of Occupational Therapy PEREIRA, R. B.; WHITEFORD, Grand. East. 2013
Young persons with visual harm: Challenges of participation., Early Online Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy SALMINEN, A. 50.; KARHULA, Thou.E. 2014
Global policy and local deportment for vulnerable populations affected by disaster and displacement Australian Occupational Therapy Journal SINCLAIR, K. 2014
Health disparities: examination of evidence relevant for occupational therapy American Journal of Occupational Therapy BASS-HAUGEN, J. D. 2009
Social Justice and Resources Utilization in a Community-Based Organization: A Case Analogy of the Part of the Occupational Therapist American Journal of Occupational Therapy BRAVEMAN, B.; BASS-HAUGEN, J. D. 2009
Occupational deprivation: A consequence of Australia'southward policy of assimilation Australian Occupational Therapy Journal ZELDENRYK, Fifty. 2006
Social Participation and Functional Power from Age 75 to Age 80 Scandinavian Periodical of Occupational Therapy SORENSEN, Fifty. 5.; AXELSEN, U.; AVLUND, K. 2002
Occupational therapy interventions to amend leisure and social participation for older adults with low vision: a systematic review. The American Periodical of Occupational Therapy BERGER, South.; MCATEER, J.; SCHREIER, K.; KALDENBERG, J. 2013
Comparing participation patterns in out-of-schoolhouse activities betwixt israeli jewish and muslim children Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy ENGEL-YEGER, B. 2013
Participation: are nosotros at that place yet Australian Occupational Therapy Journal IMMS, C.; GRANLUND, M. 2014
Participation in social internet-based activities: 5 seniors' intervention processes Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy LARSSON, East.; NILSSON, I.; LUND, 1000. Fifty. 2013
Social participation: redesign of education, research, and do in occupational therapy Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy PIŠKUR, B. 2013
Sociodemographic effects on activities preference of typically developing Israeli children a youths American Journal of Occupational Therapy ENGEL-YEGER, B. 2009
Experiences of social class: learning from occupational therapy students Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy BEAGAN, B. Fifty. 2007
Progression routes and attainment in occpational therapy didactics: the impacto f backgrownd characteristics British Journal of Occupational Therapy WATSON, J. 2013
Empirical lessons about occupational categorization from example studies of unemployment Canadian Periodical of Occupational Therapy ALDRICH, R. M.; MCCARTY, C. H.; BOYD, B. A.; Bunch, C. E.; BALENTINE, C. B. 2014

Table iii Distribution of articles according to descriptor, journal and publication.

Keyword Journal Nº. Twelvemonth/Nº
Homeless 11 American Journal of Occupational Therapy iii 2002 - 1
2004 - 1
2005 - one
2006 - 1
2009 - 2
2011 - 1
2013 - 3
2014 - one
Australian Occupational Therapy Journal i
British Journal of Occupational Therapy three
Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy iii
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy i
Social inclusion / Social interaction 10 Australian Occupational Therapy Periodical 3 2010 - 1
2011 - one
2012 - i
2013 - 4
2014 - iii
British Journal of Occupational Therapy 4
Canadian Periodical of Occupational Therapy 1
Occupational Therapy International 1
Scandinavian Periodical of Occupational Therapy ane
Occupational justice 7 American Journal of Occupational Therapy ane 2004 - 1
2006 - 1
2009 -i
2010 - 1
2014 - 3
Australian Occupational Therapy Journal ane
Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy three
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy 2
Social participation / Social networks 6 American Journal of Occupational Therapy 1 2002 - 1
2013 - 4
2014 - 1
Australian Occupational Therapy Journal 1
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy 4
Refugees 5 Australian Occupational Therapy Journal 4 2005 - 1
2010 - i
2011 - i
2014 - 2
Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy 1
Migrants / Immigrants four Australian Occupational Therapy Journal ii 2007 - 1
2008 - ane
2014 - 2
Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy i
Occupational Therapy International i
Social justice 3 American Journal of Occupational Therapy 2 2006 - ane
2009 - 2
Australian Occupational Therapy Journal 1
Socioeconomic factors iii American Periodical of Occupational Therapy 1 2007 - i
2009 - ane
2013 - 1
British Journal of Occupational Therapy 1
Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy 1
Prisoners 1 Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy 1 2005 - 1
Occupational rights 1 Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy 1 2008 - 1
Social competence 1 British Periodical of Occupational Therapy one 2008 - 1
Unemployment people 1 Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy ane 2014 - 1

The type of publication can shed light on the kinds of papers occupational therapists are using to publish in journals in this topic. Research articles predominated (34), followed by theoretical texts (12), literature reviews (6), and one case report. The research articles types are: quantitative (10), qualitative (ix), case written report (7), descriptive (3), exploratory descriptive (3), participative (i) and historical (1).

Adjacent, we took an overview of the population groups in the manufactures analyzed. Well-nigh studies focused on homeless populations (11), which was followed in popularity by adolescents and young people (9). One text refers to more than one population group. This information could be useful in agreement what kinds of group populations are related to the social question in the occupational therapy references. Table 4 provides the data.

Table 4 Mentioned populations.

Homeless 11
Adolescents and Immature People 9
Refugees v
Elderly People iv
Migrants 4
Unemployed/Underemployed People 2
Others Children (indigenous 1, with deficiency two, with dumb social participation 1) 4
Ethnic Groups three
Occupational Therapy Students 3
Occupational Therapists 2
Women ii
HIV-Positive Persons 1
Forensic Service Users 1
Prisoners ane
No population specified thirteen

Nosotros analyzed the texts to see what kinds of bug they were budgeted. We were interested to know if they were focused on wellness bug or if they were going farther by looking at the social question in is various dimensions. As expected, when filtering for population groups we found a predominant number centered on the social question, with no discussion of health issues or illness processes. Of the analyzed texts, 67.92% (36) did not discuss the social question using a health intervention arroyo and 26.41% (xiv) did so partially or in dialogue with other fields. Merely five.67% (three) straight referred to health interventions. The vast bulk of texts, notwithstanding, focused on possible actions to improve private health and well-being without specifically describing wellness interventions.

To emphasize this field of study, we described the theoretical references, according to the terminology applied by the authors. (Annotation: one text could have more than than one reference). There was a multiplicity of theoretical frameworks used to basis the research in the texts, which went beyond the keywords we searched for. The nearly common references cited the theoretical concept of occupational justice (14 sources) and/or social inclusion (ten sources). Therefore, from 2000-2014 information technology can be inferred that international literature focused on the importance of occupational therapy in addressing systems of injustice that arrive incommunicable for people to conduct their lives. Tabular array 5 shows this.

Table 5 Theoretical concepts that are presented.

Presented theoretical concepts
Occupational Justice 14
Social Inclusion 10
Social Participation nine
Disquisitional Perspective in Occupational Therapy 5
Rights and Citizenship vii
Occupational Rights 5
Social Justice 4
Social Policy 1
Others Culture and Occupation half dozen
Occupational Deprivation 5
Occupational Alienation 4
Occupational Marginalization 2
Social Classes 2
Ethnicity 2
Human being Occupation Model 1
Occupational Take a chance Factors 1
Occupational Engagement 1
Social Policy 1
Social Exclusion i
Prejudice 1
Economic Factors ane
Neoliberalism 1
Child Evolution one
International Classification of Performance - ICF one
Social Competence 1
Empowerment 1

In reading the papers, we tried to identify their points of view: did they focus on the clinical and individual?; were they more concerned with disease, diagnosis, and treatment?; or did they accost the community and/or social aspects of occupational therapy? 48 of the papers (90.57%) predominantly focused on the commonage, community, and/or social aspects. These texts were ranked co-ordinate to socioeconomic and community issues. The remaining 9.43% (five texts) approached the issue from somewhere between the individual and collective perspective, concentrating on the individual inside his/her social context. None of the listed texts used a clinical approach or focused on biomedical bug for diagnosis and treatment.

Finally, we analyzed the results based on the articles' professional practice, research, and knowledge production. We observed that 90.57% (48) explicitly related their discussions to the professional exercise of occupational therapy, one.89% (ane) focused on interdisciplinary practice without emphasizing occupational therapy, and 7.54% (4) did not mention professional person practice at all. Altogether, 96.23% (51) directly discussed occupational therapy enquiry and knowledge while 3.77% (2) did non mention the upshot.

4 Give-and-take

The 53 texts analyzed are a small-scale number compared to the overall production of the journals analyzed in the given catamenia. Hammell and Iwama (2012, p. 388) indicate out that

[…] much of the occupational therapy theoretical literature predominantly focuses on individual issues such as will, personal causation, habituation, mastery, and motor skills.

It is possible to assume, therefore, that a few percentage of occupational therapy literature deals with the social question.

In addition, Fransen et al. (2015, p. 266) argue that occupational therapy should have identify from a citizenship perspective and in public spaces that make such action possible, since

[…] the recognition that the participation of people in public life as citizens of their gild is synthetic and shaped by social, political, cultural, economical, and racial/ethnic values indicates the importance of power and privilege every bit social determinants.

When considering the bug and populations investigated in the analyzed papers, therefore, it becomes clear that occupational therapists are challenged by the contemporary demands of a globalized society. Researchers have developed solutions to these challenges in different locations and with unlike population groups.

Although human health remains relevant to the exercise of occupational therapy, it is bereft. It is important, therefore, to ask what occupational therapy researchers' roles should be when addressing issues that are not related to health intervention. However, while 67.92% of the manufactures studied did non focus on health interventions direct, they still aimed to promote health and well-being and addressed this result from the standpoint of intervening in occupational performance. This is confirmed by other studies, which focus on individual and social approaches. In a historical review of occupational justice and its related concepts, Malfitano, Souza and Lopes (2016, p. 176) testify the predominance of individual approaches (north=425), compared with collective approaches (north=370), pointing out that the

[…] increased focus on social contexts and socio-economic aspects suggests the need for studies to further explore how occupational justice and related concepts stimulate occupational therapy and occupational science to be more socially responsive.

Information technology is also confirmed past theoretical studies which explore the necessity of occupational therapy actions to become beyond individualism through a disquisitional arroyo (GERLACH, 2017).

Adapting to the changing global reality does not mean occupational therapists should restrict themselves to promoting health or illness and/or disability prevention. Every bit we constitute in our analysis, addressing the social question means exploring social inequalities and seeking to develop interventions that are not limited to the improvement of private or commonage wellness conditions. Instead, occupational therapists are tackling broader actions to bargain with issues related to violence, gender, and social form that tin affect the dignified life of affected populations.

Several discussions with critical approaches are taking place among authors in different parts of the world. Hammell and Iwama (2012) talk about the environment influencing occupations rather than narrowly focusing on the health organisation perspective, thereby addressing weather of inequality in people's lives; Guajardo, Kronenberg and Ramugondo (2015) explore the necessity of southern occupational therapies related to different contexts and realities, expanding the subject and groups of intervention; Labierte-Rudman (2018) calls for a social transformation for occupational therapy and occupational science based on noesis and actions; Sakellariou and Pollard (2017) bring together a range of authors discussing different practices and theoretical knowledge in Occupational Therapy.

For example, it is not possible to successfully help the homeless population when limiting handling to mental illnesses, alcoholism, and/or drug apply. Instead, interventions must be combined with public policies and social services in order to ensure that this grouping, usually barred from social rights, has access to their basic human rights.

It is important to highlight that the texts found are non focus on biomedical aspects, what demonstrates a bigger vision in Occupational Therapy. They are approaching some points around social question. However, they are majority still related to wellness and well-beingness, which are important aspects, but they are not the totality of occupational therapy actions focusing on social question.

Peradventure part of the reason occupational therapy has broadened its telescopic is due to the inefficiency and even failure to bargain with the social question. Nosotros assume here a stance on the failure and, in many cases, inefficiency of health interventions to deal with the social question. In the social field, occupational therapists accept constitute that their work is more than successful when they take a different approach and move outside of the healthcare system to work with other sectors, including social work, teaching, justice, and culture (LOPES; MALFITANO, 2017; LOPES, 2013; BARROS; GHIRARDI; LOPES, 2005; LOPES; SILVA, 2007; BARROS et al., 2011; LOPES; MALFITANO, 2016).

Another possible reason for the widening perspective of occupational therapy is that restricting intervention to promoting wellness and well-being when dealing with the social question runs the run a risk of socially medicalizing at-hazard populations. Ilich (1974) defines medicalization as the creation of non-existent diseases that accept a social groundwork. Pussetti (2010) expresses the same criticism when describing the increase in mental health problems amid immigrants in Europe, peculiarly in Portugal, a phenomenon she calls "immigrant low". She points out that at that place is a increasing number of cases that disregard the private's complex social situation and experience, which is permeated by the precariousness of their socioeconomic living weather condition. The outcome is a medical diagnosis and, often, prescribed medication. Even so, the occupational therapist'southward office in addressing the social question through wellness interventions remains unclear. This is an surface area that could be benefited by further enquiry.

5 Conclusion

The written report demonstrates that there are occupational therapists concerned with the contemporary social question. While our report was conducted on a small calibration, our results show that inside the confines of our study, which included seven occupational therapy journals, researchers are commencement to work with various populations and a range of theoretical frameworks.

It is important to note that nosotros exclusively focused on occupational therapy journals and did not have into consideration other journals in the field of occupational science, for case, those that unite a big quantity of works past occupational therapists. This was intentional, as our objective was to discuss the application of the social question specifically within the field of occupational therapy. Nonetheless, this could be the basis for a wider report that explores the subject in occupational science more than broadly.

It is recognized that our results are limited; information technology investigated only English language-linguistic communication journals indexed in Thomson Reuters' Web of Science. Worldwide, there are many occupational therapy articles in many languages that are not necessarily indexed in our chosen database. This criteria does limit the scope of our inquiry as many important occupational therapy journals are non indexed in JCR, and our focus on English-language journals meant that nosotros did non consider the occupational therapy field outside the Anglophone world. Nevertheless, our results prove pregnant representation and the possibility of trend identification.

Occupational therapists must movement beyond health interventions. Farther research should address the possibility of occupational therapists shifting their work to interventions in other sectors through theoretical and methodological contributions that bargain with the social question and tin bring nigh a greater social participation for all in a globalized capitalist lodge. As researchers working inside Brazilian social occupational therapy, we are interested in the possibility of developing knowledge and practices directed toward expanding social participation and non "exclusively" promoting health and well-beingness.


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