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Best Player in Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies

In preparation for the upcoming release ofCall of Duty Black Ops: Cold War, we take a look back on the zombie mode. Perks are an essential part of any zombie game. Juggernog, Speed Cola, and other helpful beverages were added to help increase the players' chances of fending off the zombie hordes.

With anotherBlack Ops game on the horizon, we can only assume that the zombies will find a new home in this game. Let's celebrate with a round of Mule Kick. After all, players may need the extra firepower. For this list, we will focus on the cola machines, not the gobblegums.

Updated July 5th, 2021, By Aden Carter: Black Ops Cold War has been released, and the zombies mode is now possibly the best it has ever been. This new iteration of zombies has changed many aspects of the game players once loved, and one of the biggest changes is the perk system. The new perk system allows players to upgrade their perks in the lobby and make them better than ever.

While some perks are still better than others, each perk new and old is better than their previous versions. The newest perk added to the list is Elemental Pop, which allows players to access bullet modifications at random. Other perks, like Juggernog, now increase player health even higher than they once did.

14 Who's Who

  • Costs 2,000 points
  • Allows players to revive themselves when downed

Who's Who was added exclusively to the Die Rise map in Black Ops 2,and, luckily, that's where it stayed. It was a useful perk, giving the players the ability to revive themselves within a certain time limit. However, it was essentially like having a worse version of Quick Revive.

13 Tombstone Soda

  • Costs 2,500 points
  • Allows players to be revived with their current gear

Tombstone Soda was only featured in TranZit, and was eventually replaced by a gobblegum. This perk allowed players to be revived with their entire inventory, which was amazing for the time. One caveat, though, was that the player would have to return to the spot in which they died within a certain amount of time to regain their items. This perk was replaced inBlack Ops 3 by the gobblegum Aftertaste. This gobblegum gives the same effect minus the guns, allowing players to be revived with their perks.

Tombstone Soda has since been reworked in the newBlack Ops Cold War game and is better than it used to be. While still not the most amazing perk, it acts more like Who's Who. When players get downed with this perk they reappear in an ethereal form, and are able to run over to their body and revive themselves. Thanks to the upgrade system in the new game, players can upgrade this perk to allow themselves to get their gear back and prevent their perks from disappearing.

12 Stamin-Up Soda

  • Costs 2,000 points
  • Increases sprint speed and duration

Stamin-Up Sodawas introduced in Ascension inBlack Ops.It increases the sprint speed of the player character by 7%, and increases player sprint duration by 100% as well. This perk is especially useful when players have heavy weapons that slow them down. Other than that, this perk doesn't have much use unless players are trying to get across the map quickly.

Stamin-Up has been upgraded in the newest zombies game and has received some decent upgrades. Now, players who invest in the Speed Cola perk can get an increase to their backpedal speed, immunity to fall damage, and the ability to walk faster while aiming. Stamin-Up is still one of the perks players will want if they plan on carrying around the big guns.

11 Deadshot Daiquiri

  • Costs 1,500 points
  • Aiming down sight targets enemy critical spots

Deadshot Daiquiri was introduced in the Call of the Dead map inBlack Ops and has since found itself in almost every zombies map thanks to the Wunderfizz machine. Though this perk offers tons of aiming benefits, it doesn't quite live up to the rest of the perks. It resets the aim assist to target the head instead of the body, and increases the accuracy of all weapons by 35%. More often than not, players loathe getting this perk and would rather have something more useful.

Deadshot Daquiri received a much-needed upgrade inCold War. While it still moves the player's sight to the critical spot of an enemy, it has other upgrades that are worthwhile to get. These upgrades include dealing more damage to enemies at full health, dealing more damage to armor, and reducing hip-fire spread. This is only the beginning, since more upgrades have since been added to the game.

10 Vulture Aid Elixir

  • Costs 3,000 points
  • Causes zombies to emit gas clouds and highlights items

Vulture Aid Elixir is one of the few perks with multiple effects. For starters, it makes players see zombies that have a green gas leaking from them. Shooting these zombies will cause a gas cloud to appear, which players can stand in to avoid detection.

Along with this, It makes zombies drop small bonus perks like extra points and ammunition. Lastly, it shows symbols on the HUD that reveal all the perk locations. All of these bonuses are useful, but they fall a little short in necessity. Other perks are far better.

9 PhD Flopper

  • Costs 2,500 points
  • Causes explosion when falling from height and negates explosive damage

Introduced alongside Stamin-Up, PhD Flopper also appeared in Ascension. This perk was a welcome addition for fans and utilized the dolphin dive mechanic. One of the best additions this perk made was the ability to survive explosions. It also protected players from the backlash of firing the ray gun too close to a zombie.

The best part about this perk was the explosion that would happen when a player would dive from a higher elevation. This explosion could have its element altered in Origins, based on what staff a player had.

8 Electric Cherry

  • Costs 2,000 points
  • Lets out an electric pulse when reloading

Mob of the Dead introduced the Electric Cherry perk, which offered a new way for players to protect themselves against the zombies. This perk made an electrical shockwave emanate from the player whenever they reloaded their weapon.

Additionally, the shockwave became stronger depending on how many bullets remained in the magazine. The more ammo expended from the weapon, the bigger and stronger the shockwave became.

7 Double Tap Root Beer

  • Costs 2,000 points
  • Increases weapon fire rate

Technically, there are two different versions of Double Tap Root Beer, the second of which first appeared in TranZit. The original version of this perk was among the original perks that appeared in the originalWorld at War game. Originally, this perk increased the fire rate of all bullet weapons by 33%.

It was a great addition when players had heavy weapons. When developers finally decided to upgrade the perk, they gave it the added upgrade of increasing the bullet output of weapons. This meant players could take down zombies even faster than ever before.

6 Quick Revive

  • Costs 1,500 points
  • Increases revive speed

Quick revive is among the essentials of anyone playing alone in a zombies map. When playing solo, this perk allows the player to get auto-revived if they go down. While down, the player has the pack-a-punched versions of the M1911 pistol. This changes depending on the map, though, and it can only be used three times before the machine disappears. When playing co-op, this perk takes away the self-revive and allows players to revive other players four times faster than normal.

Quick Revive got an upgrade of its own, and is now able to regenerate player health faster while still increasing the speed a player can revive someone. With the other upgrades that players can spend Aether Shards on, Quick Revive can also increase a player's crawl speed while downed, further reduce the time before health regenerates, and heal the player for reviving a teammate. Quick Revive has become more useful than it ever was in the previous games.

5 Elemental Pop

  • Costs 2,500 - 5,500 points
  • Activates random ammo mod on player weapons

Elemental Pop is the newest perk to graceBlack Ops Zombies. This new perk gives players the benefit of ammo mods without using the Pack-A-Punch machine. These ammo mods include Brain Rot, Napalm Blast, Shatter Blast, Dead Wire, and Cryofreeze.

These ammo mods deal elemental damage to enemies, and can even turn them against one another. The upgrades for Elemental Pop allow player equipment to activate the mods, reduce the cooldown of the mods, and lets the mods activate at their currently upgraded tier.

4 Widow's Wine

  • Costs 4,000 points
  • Grenades become sticky and release spider webs

Widow's Wine is one of the most essential perks, as it drastically increases a player's chances of survival. This perk changes the grenades a player is carrying into sticky grenades that shoot out webs, which slow zombies down. It also protects the player with the same effect.

Assuming the player has enough grenades in reserve, an attacking zombie will be immobilized by a sudden burst of webs. Like the grenades, this effect slows the zombies down and gives the player more time to escape. This perk also increases the player's knife damage.

3 Mule Kick

  • Costs 4,000 points
  • Allows player to carry a third weapon

Mule Kick was another welcome addition to zombies mode when it was introduced in Moon in the original Black Ops. It became so popular among the fans that Treyarch featured it in all maps after Moon, and included it in the Zombies Chronicles DLC forBlack Ops 3.

This perk increases the number of weapons a player can carry by one. Adding the ability to carry another weapon is a must-have for players hoping to make it to high rounds, in which ammo can often run dry quickly.

2 Speed Cola

  • Costs 3,000 points
  • Increases reload speed

Speed Cola is another perk that is hard to imagine a zombie game without. Another of the original perks included in World at War, it has since been included in just about every Treyarch-developed zombies map. It simply increases the player's reload speed.While this may not sound extremely useful, when facing down a horde of zombies, a faster reload speed means the difference between life and death.

Speed Cola is one of the other perks that received an overhaul in the newest iteration of zombies. While it still increases a player's reload speed, the upgrades also increase the player's weapon swap speed, increase the speed that field upgrades charge, and further increase reload speed by an additional 15%. Now players can reload their weapon faster than ever before.

1 Juggernog

  • Costs 2,500 points
  • Increases player health

The most useful perk hands-down and one of the originals in nearly every zombies map out there, Juggernog has been the lifeline for many players in their zombies careers, and that won't stop anytime soon. This perk doubles the number of hits a player can take before going down. No player would be caught dead without this perk — or, to rephrase, if they don't have the perk, they probably will be caught dead.

Juggernog works a little differently now. Don't worry, it still increases player health like in the old days. Now, it starts off increasing a player's health by 50. The upgrades decrease the amount of time a player is affected by status effects, increase the amount of armor a player gets from picking up armor plates, and increase maximum health further. Considering these upgrades, Juggernog is still the most useful perk players can get their hands on.

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About The Author

Aden Carter (220 Articles Published)

Aden Carter loves all things involving video games and pop culture. He is a gamer at heart who volunteered at Impulse Gamer writing reviews before finding work at Valnet, inc. Carter enjoys everything from puzzle platformers to high action shooters, ultimately loves a good RPG. In recent years he received his bachelor's degree in creative writing from Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida.

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Best Player in Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies
